Using barcode data and the iVEDiX IoT Core, the customer is able to map where a container is in its lifecycle – cleaned, filled, shipped, returned – how long it has spent in each phase and what chemicals were in which container. If something goes wrong in a location or skips a step, the iVEDiX Core sends varying levels of alerts from critical to informational. Any container exceeding an established threshold triggers an alert. Any time a container is moved, it triggers an alert. This, plus an audit trail of all actions, allows the customer to provide the process transparency needed by regulators. The iVEDiX IoT Core continually communicates with the SAP system to let it know when specific milestones are hit.
A container that is not cleaned cannot be shipped. Before the iVEDiX implementation, the customer would simply make another high cost, highly specialized container rather than sort through the specifics of its sub-processes. Now actionable intelligence is accessible through both the iVEDiX IoT Core and iVEDiX Glass a desktop and mobile data analytics application that allows the customer to see, modify, and share process flow reports. Supply and quality variances can be tracked and acted on.
The iVEDiX IoT Core also provides a flexible way for the customer to configure rules that match its business. Such rules can automatically change the state of an asset once it enters a specific location. Parent-child relationships can be set to keep related assets in tandem.
This easy flexibility, high level of customization, and quick turnaround of needed adjustments mean the iVEDiX team can provide solutions in days instead of weeks. iVEDiX also provides on-site training and go-live support to ensure a seamless delivery.
Finally, the iVEDiX solution creates a feedback loop with the customer’s SAP system. iVEDIX IoT Core receives data feeds from SAP to kick off processes and update status. iVEDIX IoT Core then sends asset movement history and other metadata back to SAP. Keeping all systems synchronized in tracking the customer’s data.