5 Ways Data Technology is Reinventing Health Care

data and healthcare

This week iVEDiX CEO, Rajesh Kutty, shared a lengthy presentation entitled Reinventing Health Care: The Coevolution of Biology, Technology, and Culture. The document visually outlines key statistics, innovations, and cultural impacts for some of the most pressing advancements in healthcare.

Reinventing Health Care: The Coevolution of Biology, Technology, and Culture

In the full presentation above, you’ll find amazing modifications and adaptations for our everyday lives, and even some shocking cultural impacts we’ll be forced to consider in the days ahead. Authors of this presentation, Sparks & Honeybelieve in the age of exponential change, no one can do it alone. So in an effort to connect, learn and give back they’ve shared these key take aways for organizations to consider in the midst of this monumental shift:

  1. Drowning in Data
    Consumers will be face with an overwhelming amount of data. Thus, organizations will be tasked with helping them contextualize their information and provide suggestions on how to take action based on the results.
  2. Secure DNA
    Data privacy (or lack thereof) is top of mind for many consumers, so corporate transparency in how health records, DNA data, ect. are being used is especially important – since this information is highly personal.
  3. Diversifying Data
    Companies will draw inspiration from the latest medical advances , provoking creative activations and products. Watch for even more relevance for non-healthcare brands as time progresses.
  4. Healthy Drugs
    With marijuana gaining legitimacy in mainstream culture – partly from the backing of the medical community – organizations should be prepared for nationwide marijuana legalization and the business opportunities it will present.
  5. Visualizing Quality of Life
    Be aware that people are not only living longer, but better. Older generations will remain active and expect products with the same high quality and impressive design as they used when they were younger.

As a company headquartered in Rochester New York, we were bred in a culture of innovation thanks to companies and organizations like: Kodak, Xerox, and RIT. This community celebrates victories in innovation, but has also had to accept that cultural adoption is an even more lengthy process. As we consider the future outlined in this document, we should also consider: when the best time to push for adoption is, how we can make these technologies and topics more approachable, and what regulatory guidance should be given around biological innovations having a global impact.

Which trends do you think will be the most difficult for people to adopt, and why? Let us know in the comments.sign up form


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