10 IT Leaders We Follow On Twitter

As active as we are in contributing content and sharing articles on Twitter, there are a select few twitter handles we recognize by name. These people are industry pros who have caught our attention and earned our recognition. Above you’ll see a brief snapshot of their respective pages, here’s what we like so much about them:

Carla Gentry
Recently featured in Information Week’s 10 IT Leaders To Follow on Twitter, I remarked that Gentry’s content is sharable and packed with hot topics in business intelligence. Personally, I like to think of her as the Guy Kawasaki of Data Science.

Yves Mulkers
A business intelligence pro, who tweets and retweets possibly some of the best content from around twitter. Mulkers was one of our first followers and we’ve been reading and sharing his tweets ever since.

Rich Northwood
If you’re looking for all things related to data, this is the twitter handle for you. In addition to sharing great content, Northwood does a great job of creating content for his blog: Musings of a Data Geek.

R Ray Wang
Giving us a glimpse into the research side of the tech industry, Wang tweets regularly on the boarder tech world, and keeps us in touch with strategies, innovations and industry events from the west coast.

Hilary Mason
She’s a the Chief Scientist at bitly, and she loves cheeseburgers. You’ll understand after you watch her talk on In Search of the Optimal Hamburger, a witty perspective data we contribute from restaurant apps.

James Kobielus
IBM Evangelist extraordinaire, Kobielus tweets on the buzzing topic of Big Data. He’s a data veteran who is hitting all the hot topics in field including: Hadoop, Data Science, Analytics, and more.

Kirk Borne
Daily, this doctor prescribes the best industry tweets on Big Data and Data Science. Borne’s background in astroinformatics, citizen science, and astronomy has given his tweets a uniquely scientific edge.

Martin Zwilling
One of our prominent business tweeters, startup mentor and VC, Zwilling contributes a valuable feed for innovative start up companies and leadership within the booming industry of IT.

Eric Kavanagh
Host of Information Week’s DM Radio and The Briefing Room, Kavanagh entertains us with sound bites of valuable content for hyperspeed learning from world renown experts in Information Technology.

Jeff Kelly
This analyst/journalist is passionate about discovering the relationship between society and Big Data. An active player Wikibon, Kelly connects us with trending topics, and experienced insights on the industry.

These are just some of the influencers we follow, who have we missed? Who would you recommend?


With a background in consumer electronics and telecom, business intelligence is a new front for exploration in the mist of this marketer’s communications expertise. Ashley has cast a dedicated and ambitious vision for team iVEDiX and it’s strong visual brand, while building relationship with our community, sparking inspiration, and coordinating marketing efforts.

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